Sunday, 23 May 2021

New Kindle links for books and story development

 Yesterday I came across the fact that Amazon have been rearranging things and links from author pages and even the author page and KDP pages had changed.

After a bit of sorting and moaning to amazon I got these links back to the kindle books that seemed to have disappeared.

The new UK Author page link with all formats 

The new US Author page link to all formats

Anyway, apart from that now being sorted, I'm getting towards the end of the 2nd book in Hannah Croft's journey between being dropped off in Tobago (in Any Means to an End) and then being found again (in Protective Craft) thus filling in the gap in here story.  The side story in South Shields also develops in chronology to the books (ie diaries) and stories being read and told by the modern day characters.