Sunday, 26 May 2013

Fly Fishing

A new book on fly fishing has come through the pipeline.  The trout and instructional pictures are complete.  Its based on a poem I wrote to my daughter about her first fishing trip (which is hopefully to happen in the summer when I return home).  It gives brief instructions on the equipment to use and how to cast the line.

The one secret to fly fishing, however, is the method of retrieve of the line.  All the books and magazine articles assume understanding of jargon and never pass the information on correctly.  I stell in the book (in the simplest possible terms) the real method that allows you a fish (if one is there) almost every cast.

Brook Trout
She appears to be fascinated by the fish I return home with to gut and prepare for eating. She will hopefully will take up fly fishing when older and land plenty of trout.  Until that time, I shall show her the knots she will need, and also play and land fish.  Casting might take a while for her to master, but I'll not stop her trying.  Maybe she will better the 14lb 6oz lump of Rainbow Trout I'm holding in the picture after catching it in County Durham.  This one earned me a 2005 TroutMaster award.

Californian Golden Trout
The book has been typed up, the last few pieces of artwork, such as the images on this page have been added and it was uploaded to Amazon Kindle on the 14th April 2013.  Copies have been selling well so far.