Monday, 5 November 2018

Bonfire Night

The books that need to be in paperback are now in that format. It's been a long time since Fishing Trip came out in ebook form, but it has been with the wait for the colour plates.
The nice thing is that the Amazon publishing is truly a free service. Printing on demand seems so sensible. There's no wastage and books unsold being buried or sold at some discount store just to offload them.
The next novel is in the process of being written. It's a romantic novel. Well, that's the plan. I'm trying to adhere to the guidelines of the Hallmark channel and publishing house, which should be a feel-good book that anyone can read without offence.
The idea is to have it ready for submission in February.  If it doesn't get accepted then it can be reworked and relaunched with all the bile added that is being pent up without a pirate story to vent it into.
I'm not sure I want to do another pirate story. I thought that Protective Craft was ended permanently.
The Amazon paperback route is nice if there are colour plates inside. I may redo Teaching Overseas with them after I leave Kuwait and do another update.  The world of teaching and working around the Middle East has changed rapidly in recent years, and I'm not sure if education itself doesn't need a complete overhaul to fit with the modern world.
That sounds like the rant deserving of the bile building up.
And so, gentle reader, what has this all got to do with Bonfire Night?
Not much, apart from the date of writing, and the desire to throw things on to a bonfire, but as it's chucking it down with rain, it wouldn't burn anyway.  There is some lightning to make up for the lack of fireworks, but that's it.